In Our Client’s Own Words
“Amazing place to do your physical therapy, kinesiotherapy, and exercise-based rehab work. You get one on one support, with the therapist with you for the entire session, unlike everywhere I’ve been to. The staff at Just Be Fit, inc are very knowledgeable, credentialed, hands-on, caring and supportive. I originally came in with ruptured discs from a sports injury (baseball) as a candidate for surgery. My therapist worked on me diligently and I not only did not have surgery, but I was also playing competitive baseball the following year, and each year thereafter. There no more words to describe how much I recommend Just Be Fit. They are the best, without comparison”
Ross Wolfson
“I went to JBF for shoulder rehab after a car accident years ago. I’ve stayed there because They help me take care of myself. Every week I get a workout from a PT who is helping me care for my body as I age. And if something feels wonky my PT addresses it right away. I also get a monthly 1 1/2 hour myofascial release massage by Beth that is awesome. As long as I’m able to walk thru their door I’ll be working out at JBF!”
Debbie Arnspong
“I had a stroke almost 4 years ago that severely limited my automaticity related to balance and walking. Being a teacher for a number of years gives me the insight to identify excellence in teaching and teaching practices. Aaron uses unique techniques enabling me to walk better. He is able to assess individual needs and designs and implements strategies to improve the daily living needs of the individual. I am very grateful to Aaron for the improvement I have made since working with him. He clearly understands and is able to communicate the fine points of gait dynamics.”
Nancy Abrams
“I can walk! No, I mean really walk! When all other therapists felt there was no more they could do for me, Aaron took me on as a patient. He took the initiative to learn about my disease. He plans each session in advance and thrives on helping his patients. Thank you so much.”
Marilyn Fisher
“My wife talked me into going to Just Be Fit after my knee surgery. I had arthroscopic knee surgery and was looking for rehab exercises. I had done a session of PT which was not helpful. I was also looking for a structured exercise program for weight control and general strength and health. It is now 3 years after I started. I have no knee pain and my strength is much greater in my legs and whole body. My energy level is greater, and I feel more fit. Furthermore, at my last cholesterol check, my levels had gone below 200 for the first time. I cannot recommend Just Be Fit any higher. I look forward to my sessions and feel that everyone should make exercise part of their lives.”
Dr. Joseph Mishell
“Marianne has been an excellent addition to our integrative medical team. She has worked with some challenging clients, coming up with individualized, effective training sessions tailored to the patient’s medical conditions. I am impressed with her detail and comprehensive care. I know that when I place a pateint in her hands, the patient will be very well taken care of.”
Dr. Trupti Gokani
Neurologist, North Suburban Wellness
“I certainly keep referring to you but sometimes people don’t know what they are missing and don’t take me up on it. Keep up the excellent job you are doing.”
Dr. Jean Cavanaugh
“I arrived on crutches at Just Be Fit after 4 leg surgeries. 1) It wasn’t long before I was back to normal. 2) Today, I never felt better. 3) My rehab has been extremely successful and has put me back on my feet.”
Marshall Potterton
“Marianna Vickovich, R.KT, has been working with patients in my office with great success for the past year. She has been able to help patients with both chronic and acute pain. She is a concummate professional wiht a terrifice ability to create productively healthy relationships with our patients.
Not only am I impressed with Marianne’s knwoledge-base in anatomy and biomechanics, she has achieved profound improvements in both patient outcomes and compliancy. She is an asset to our clinic.”
Jeffrey Henson, DC, CKTP
Clinical Director/Founder
North Suburban Wellness, LLC
“In her role as an instructor for our knee injury prevention program for teenage girls, Marianne Vickovich provided exper instruction and attention to each of her students. Much of the success of our program can be attributed to her dedication and enthusiasm for injury prevention and wellness.”
Cynthia LaBella, MD
Medical Director
Institute for Sport Medicine
Children’s Memorial Hospital
“I bring my parents here for PT 2x a week. We can’t say enough positive things about Just Be Fit. Anywhere from the owner Aaron to the office manager Julie to their therapist Cathy all very knowledgeable, helpful, sincere and very dedicated to the well being of their patients. Thank you for taking such excellent care of my parents.”
Christina Dietrich
Dear Aaron,
“I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for the care you have given me over the past three years. After having back surgery, I felt that I would always be weak and unable to perform many of the daily activities that I used to take for granted. With your sincere compassion, honesty, and motivating techniques, I am so relieved that my greatest fears have dissapeared and I have regained my emotional and physical strength. The atmosphere and friendship that you and all your clitns and staff share is testimonial to your core values and beliefs. I can honestly say that my life would be much different if I had never been cared by you. Thanks again, and by the way, can you take it easy on me just one time?!”
Dennis Weil
“After completing physical therapy, I thought I’d progressed as far as I could. Them good fortune led me to Just Be Fit. The exercise work that I do at Just Be Fit is the best thing I do for myself. We work on my gait-training issues after a patella injury and surgery. My rehab specialist knows what will serve to strengthen areas of weakness/concern and combines that with overall balance, strength, and fitness work so that I am better than I ever thought I could be. I am stronger, more confident and continue to benefit from the knowledge, care, and success I have always experienced at Just Be Fit.”
Rhona Watkins
“Just Be Fit (and Marianne Vuckovich) have been a terrific help in my ongoing battle with stenosis and spondylosis (bad back). They have put together a program that works after my physical therapy and chiropractic care. I have continued the exercise regimen that they have tailored to my particular needs. The added bonus is that they have made it enjoyable, and I look forward to exercising in their studio. Overall, it has been a rewarding experience.”
Douglas L. Meyer
“My story with Aaron began in May, 2001. I was then that I underwent a craniotomy to resect a brain tumor. On the operating table I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. I had four weeks of post-op therapy while in-patient. When I was discharged, I left with a prescription for day rehab.
I selected Rehabilitation Achievement Center, RAC, now part of RIC, because of their focus on brain injury and the lead physical therapist to whom I would be assigned. The mysterious world of living with a stroke had only begun to penetrate my psyche three months after the event occurred. I had imagined that I would eventually get back all to most of my function. Jeffrey, my PT, who was every bit a mental-health professional to me as he was a PT, gave me some devastating news: he had taken me as far as he could in my recovery journey. I was shell shocked. All my hopes and dreams of resuming life as it was before stroke were shattered. I might not be able to share activities with my kids: bike-riding, roller-blading, and down-hill skiing! He suggested that I try to find a “gait specialist”, though he had no idea where one might exist. Fortunately, my physiatrist was in tune with different ongoing therapeutic professionals and gave me the name of Aaron Unger.
I ‘walked’ into Just Be Fit the first time with cane in hand and AFO on foot. Aaron was enthusiastic, greeted me with warmth. He gave me a tour of JBF (spotless, organized and cheery). While we conversed about my situation and goals, Aaron explained the mission of JBF and described how the various stations we visited would be applied to my therapuetic regimen.
I left our first meeting with a euphoria I hadn’t felt since the day I took my first post-stroke step between the parallel bars during in-patient PT. My initial work with Aaron was really hard and sometimes depressing. But each time the wind blew out of my baloon of hope, Aaron was right there with his pump of enthusiasm and confidence, refilling the balloon.
Little by little, I gained greater strength and balance. By the summer of ’03, I was determined to get back on roller-blades. Aaron was skeptical because my ankle strength was not great enough yet. Right he was, of course! But he indulged me. It was pretty fun, yet a little scary. I had trouble slowing down and stopping. Each time I fell backward, he was there to catch me. It didn’t take long for me to remember that ‘the spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak!’
So, we put the blades on the shelf and went back to hard work with a few new gadgets Aaron has secured. Improvement continued, but so did the hyperextension of my knee. Now, Aaron is using a new device called ‘Walk-Aid’. It is sort of intelligent electrical stimulation. The hyperextension in my gait is finally starting to wane. Aaron continues to infuse me with trust, hope, and confidence as my gait improves. I consider Aaron a great blessing in my life.”
Jenny Wahlin