
Our Therapists

Our staff includes Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Kinesiotherapists, and Massage Therapists who specialize in populations with medical conditions.

Aaron Unger, Clinic Director

Vestibular & Neurologic Rehab Specialist

Marianne Vuckovich, RKT


Carrie Gordon, DPT

Physical Therapist

Hetal Mehta, PT

Physical Therapist

Matt O’Neill, PT

Physical Therapist

Ranjani Krishnakumar, DPT

Physical Therapist, Pelvic Floor Specialist

Jodi Cole, OT

Occupational Therapist

Beth Gal, LMT

Licensed Massage Therapist

Julie Block, LE

Licensed Esthetician

Who are the therapists at Just Be Fit?

Your Physical Therapist is a highly trained and experienced professional. He or she has a minimum of six years of education at a top university. Following graduation, your Physical Therapist passed a National Physical Therapy Board Examination and qualified for a license to practice physical therapy issued by the state. All of our physical therapist’s credentials were reviewed by Medicare, which approved them, and conferred upon them the status of “Medicare Provider”. Some of our physical therapists have additional advanced degrees and certifications representing two to four years of experience at some of the finest teaching and research hospitals in the country, such as Northwestern University, Loyola University Hospital, and the University of Chicago Hospital. They bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience in the most advanced techniques in physical therapy. Each physical therapist in our group is required to attend advanced training courses several times during the year to ensure that their knowledge and skills remain at the forefront of their profession.

Your Physical Therapist will use all of his/her knowledge and skills in this effort. He or she may also call upon the knowledge and experience of other physical therapists in our company with a specialization in various areas of physical therapy. No matter how skillful your Physical Therapist may be, he/she cannot succeed alone. Your commitment to helping yourself will make an important difference in obtaining a satisfactory result. This commitment includes participating in each of your physical therapy appointments, following your physical therapist’s home exercise program instructions, and following up with your referring doctor.